Sunday, October 12, 2014

Planting Isnt Just For the Spring

If you were wondering, planting is not just a spring/summer activity. You can plant almost anything in the fall. Specifically, there are six plant types that can be put in the ground in the fall. This includes Turfgrass, spring-blooming bulbs, cool season vegetables, perennials, trees, and shrubs. These all can be planted in the fall without a negative impact on your blooming seasons.

Did You Know:

  • In the Fall, the cooler temperatures are easier on both plants and gardeners. The soil is still warm which allows the roots to grow until the ground freezes in the winter. 
  • In the Fall, most gardening centers are trying to get rid of their inventories and are selling their last for very discounted prices.
For more information Check out this Link: "Fall Plant Gardening Tips"

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